How the Friends of Dudley Castle Began

It was on the evening of Thursday 20th July 1989 that a group of people with a common interest in Dudley Castle met in the grounds of the Castle for the first time to set up the organisation which is now known as The Friends of Dudley Castle. Since then the Friends have always been committed to support and promote the Castle in every way possible, locally, nationally and internationally as a major treasure of British Heritage.

Since the time of the ‘dig’, various events have taken place enabling the Friends to raise funds to fulfil their mission statement. We are currently considering how best to use these funds for the permanent enhancement of the Castle. Recently the Friends decided to form a company limited by guarantee so that it could in due course seek registration as a charity and help to pursue our mission statement in different ways with a fully legal status.

Our Mission Statement

The Friends of Dudley Castle believe Dudley Castle and its site to be of national geological, archaeological, historical and architectural importance with considerable educational value.

We are committed to support and promote it in every way possible locally, nationally and internationally as a major treasure of British Heritage.

Activities of The Friends of Dudley Castle

We have monthly speaker meetings, on a variety of associated subjects, and occasional outings, sometimes to other castles. Members also receive a periodic Newsletter. It was decided recently that we should try to show what members of the Friends get involved in at some of those meetings, so a further page has been added to illustrate just that. This can be found on the Recent Events page.

Directors Of Friends Of Dudley Castle Limited

Patrick McGraghan, Lynette Willetts, Gill Griffiths, Pam Hazlehurst, Mary McGraghan, David Robinson, Joyce Murray & Amy Hickman.